Redact Assistant is now Content Redaction!

Content Redaction Permanently delete data and sensitive information with this digital redact tool


BigHand Content Redaction is a software program used to black out or hide specific text in Microsoft Word and Excel files in order to obscure part of the file's text for legal, security, or regulatory compliance reasons. The obscuring process is known as redaction. Content Redaction allows files to remain in their native file format without having to convert to a picture or other file type. Redaction can also be performed through standalone mode, where redaction of multiple files are processed. Feel confident that your file is securely protected from exposing sensitive information since redaction is final upon saving the file.

The Big Benefits

  • Prevent exposing sensitive information
  • Keep redacted files in their native format 
  • Process multiple files at once
  • Compatible with Microsoft Word and Excel

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Document and Spreadsheet Protection

The majority of files are shared electronically rather than printed. With increased emphasis on data security and privacy regulations like GDPR, it’s more important than ever to permanently delete data and sensitive information. Content Redaction is available as an app or desktop version and works with both Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.

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