Email Recipient Checking Warnings for reply-to-all, BCC, emails outside your organization and more


BigHand Email Recipient Checking provides the extra layer of security needed before the Send or Reply All button is clicked and confidential or embarrassing information is released. It handles distribution lists, blind carbon copy notification handling, internal and external mail handling, and more. It is your "second chance" layer of defense against accidental disclosure.

Help prevent emails from going to unintended recipients, distribution lists and to external recipients, as well as a variety of other disclosure scenarios, using Email Recipient Checking.

Schedule a demo or discovery call to learn more:

The Big Benefits

  • Customizable warning prompts to fit your organizations needs
  • Fast Implementation, up and running in under 10 minutes
  • Assistance from our Legal Tech Experts every step of the way

The Big Benefits

Email Security

Customizable warning prompts to fit your organizations needs

Fast Implementation

In under 10 minutes, have the software up and running

First Class Client Support

Our Legal Tech Experts are ready to assist every step of the way

How Email Recipient Checking protects your organization

Reply All Warning

When the Reply All button is clicked, the following prompt appears offering the user an opportunity to confirm the Reply All action. Click ‘Yes’ to continue with the email. Click ‘No’ to cancel the action.

Forward Warning

When an email is forwarded and the Send button is clicked, the following prompt appears offering the user and opportunity to confirm the Forward action. Click ‘Send’ to continue with the email. Click ‘Don’t Send’ to cancel the action.

External Email Warning

When an email is addressed to a recipient outside of the firm’s specified domain the following prompt appears offering the user an opportunity to confirm the external email address. Click ‘Send’ to continue with the email. Click ‘Don’t Send’ to cancel the action.

More Available Warnings
Reply All - Prevent embarrassing disasters by warning users they are about to reply to everyone on an email thread.

External Recipient - Warns users when sending to external recipients (outside of your company). This gives users a second chance to catch crucial information as it leaves your organization.

Specific email address warnings - Manage warnings based on specific email addresses to let users know they may be emailing someone they should not be contacting.

BCC Feature - Notifies a recipient they were BCC’d on an email message. This alerts the recipient that the mail message might be sensitive in nature and careful consideration should be taken in sharing it.

Missing Attachment - Warn users they are missing attachment(s) in their email message.

Sensitive Words - Alert users that a sensitive term is being used in the email message, Subject line and email body. This warning provides a chance to make edits before the message is sent.

Subject Line character length warning