Big News: Steere AlertManager is now part of BigHand!

AlertManager Alert and notification tool that pulls from various systems to send configurable alerts


BigHand AlertManager is an alert and notifications tool that pulls from various systems to send configurable alerts to users via email, desktop, or web interface. Alerts can be derived from just about any system and include advanced formatting capabilities to make your alerts stand out and be easily read. The advanced data handling features can also be configured to collect information back from the end-users.

The Big Benefits

  • Send configurable alerts across the firm
  • Collect information back from the end-users 
  • Select delivery method and formatting
  • Send notifications via email or other systems
  • Pull data from various systems including Aderant®, Elite Enterprise® and Elite 3E®, BigHand Workflow and BigHand Business Intelligence

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AlertManager History

How can BigHand AlertManager help me?

Choose a department to see the benefits:

  • Disseminate notifications via email or outside of email 
  • Desktop notifications help decrease the amount of email 
  • Derive alerts from nearly any system 

  • Get notified of past due payments
  • Send automatic invoices with links to payments

  • Centralize alerting across the firm
  • Advanced formatting capabilities to make your notifications stand out 
  • Distributes notifications by email from just about any system or data set, including Aderant®, Elite Enterprise® and Elite 3E® data 

  • Keep your Lawyers and Partners up to date with key information regarding their clients, matters or team

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