Document Formatting & Styling Empower your firms to create the perfect document for clients.


BigHand Document Formatting and Styling a tool that gives you the ability to create firm wide schemes and quick access to numbering and styling, so that any user within the organisation can easily create a document that is in line with the firm’s style guide. The solution allows users to be more self-sufficient and produce complex documents without additional support from in-house experts. 

The Big Benefits

  • Provides visibility of the firm’s style guides & schemes to increase adoption of styles
  • Enhance the user experience and builds confidence
  • Rebranding is made easier

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Law firms just like yours are benefiting from BigHand Document Creation

Key Features

Scheme Manager

  • Store the firm’s global schemes
  • Configurable previews enhanced visibility to global schemes
  • Import specific styles from one scheme to another
  • Save ‘Personal Schemes’ when working on external documents
  • Create new custom families with a click of a button

Style Management

  • Style find/replace
  • Custom families and levels for quick application of styles
  • Allow administrators to see live style changes on the screen through format numbering


  • Easily insert firm’s content such as cover page and table of contents
  • Adding other sections required in a document such as execution clauses and tables
  • Easily edit and amend sections within documents

Interested in BigHand Document Formatting & Styling?
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