BigHand Whitepaper Logo
BigHand Whitepaper Logo
Matter Pricing, Profitability and Budget Tracking Software
Introducing BigHand Matter Pricing, a Cloud based platform with advanced AI capabilities designed to boost law firms’ profitability by creating data-driven budgets, costs and better resource plans - resulting in lower write offs and greater transparency in client relationships.

How can Matter Pricing drive profitability in your firm?

Firm Management

Clients are asking for increased transparency before doing business with law firms. Increase profitability through AI-driven insights into matter progression. With tracking and reporting features, management can see exactly how matters are progressing against actuals and provide consistent updates to clients. 

Pricing Teams

Create various types of simple or complex budgets that suit client requirements. Find the most profitable matter price with clean AI-powered historical data, accurately allocate resources and alternative fee arrangements.

Finance Teams

Create in-depth reporting and pivot tables exported directly from the Matter Pricing system. Track and monitor live progress of the financial performance of your matters against budget and receive regular notifications.

IT Teams

With minimal training involved, Matter Pricing is quick and easy to implementation and can be seamlessly integrated with business applications. Deploy either on-premise or in the cloud.


Lawyers can generate accurate timekeeping information automatically with AI-Enabled Timecard Analytics while keeping clients informed, with instant visibility of matter or portfolio performance and regular notifications.